Sunday, March 14, 2010

Weigh in # 6

YES!! Excellent results this week.

I started a new diet/life change type plan. I recently read this book by Jorge Cruise called "The Belly Fat Cure". Jorge basically says to cut down on your sugar intake and keep track of your carbs and you WILL lose weight. He uses S/C which is sugars/carbs and he says to eat no more than 15 grams of sugar and 6 servings of carbs each day. I have been staying pretty close to this the last 3 days and here are the stats from my weigh in that I did this morning:

Digital Scale: 176.4 lbs
Wii Scale: 178.5
BMI: 28.03

A side note: my digital scale also tells me my fat percentage which I have been far too embarrassed about to come out and say the actual fat content of my current body. BUT let's just say that since I started this blog, my fat percentage has dropped 6 %..whooo hoooo! That's kind of a big deal. In total I've lost a bit over 5 lbs, I am so excited. Oh by the way, when I was doing the low sugar and carbs for 3 days, I was not working out and I still lost the weight and more than what I was losing while working out. I do plan to continue working out but this was a bit of an experiment. ;) Jorge also promotes the use of sugar substitutes like Stevia and sugar alcohols which I'm not really sure about their actual safety yet. I have just been cutting my sugars instead of substituting to make things sweet. I'll have to do more research on this.

Welp, it's the end of my 30 day challenge, which needless to say, I did not follow. I did workout but I did not do that video every day for 30 days as I had originally planned. Your body needs rest and variety..which is something I've always known so I don't even know why I attempted it. Also, today is the official end to my 21 day habit challenge of reading for at least 30 minutes every day. I did do this challenge. I read everything from baby magazines, web articles, and books. Now I have to think of a new challenge. hmmmm...

I'm going to be doing housework here while my daughter sleeps because it's the end of the day and as usual, this place is a big sty.
