Monday, May 10, 2010


Ok, so yes I'm late and probably losing your attention but bare with me since you all know my situation. New mom equals, um, well busy ALL the time.

My last weigh in I did was last Saturday and my weight was....drum roll please........

Digital Scale: 166.2 lbs

So, that means I only have roughly 14 lbs left to be at my pre-pregnancy weight..WHOA, YOWZA! The pre-pregnancy weight (152) is my current goal...if I hit that, I'm happy BUT my real goal is to be 130 AND I do plan to make that before I ever have another kiddo. I want to try and be in the best shape ever.

Things are really good for me right now. I have a ton of energy and I'm just enjoying my little sweety every bit that I can. I can't believe she's almost 5 months old, that just blows me away. I can't chat long I said..I'm busy. I have sheets in the dryer, I need to start on dinner, Amelia will be waking from her nap soon, and I have a pile of laundry in my room and on my couch that need to be put away asap...I'm bad about getting laundry put away..I never seem to have time.

I'm also planning on a garage sale in early to mid June which is going to be huge. We have lots of stuff to get rid off...I'm freshening up this place.

Welp, I'll try my best to get on here more often so yeh....I'll be back. lol
