Ok, kiddos. Here I am, ready to begin announcing my weight-loss again. Boy it is late, 11:30 pm, so I'm going to make this quick. I feel terrible for not sticking with my blog and updating you guys on what's going on with me and my progress. I will do a weigh in this Saturday to start off a new round of updates. I have been keeping up with my weight, so I know about where I am but I will put up all the new stats on Saturday. I'm excited and I hope you guys are too. Please forgive me for being a terrible blogger....
Good Night.
Monday, December 27, 2010
I'm Back!
Posted by jaxattack at 9:37 PM 0 comments
Sunday, June 13, 2010
My Review of Pump In Style Advanced - Backpack
Originally submitted at Diapers.com

Medela Pump In Style Advanced - Backpack
An electric retail pump with research-based and hospital proven, 2-Phase Expression Technology for more milk in less time*. 2-Phase Expression is an advanced pumping pattern that mimics a baby's natural nursing pattern a...
This pump is well worth the money.
Pros: Portable, Fast/Efficient, Easy to clean, Easy to use
Best Uses: Newborns, Working Moms, Infants, Breast Feeding, Travel, Milk Storage
Describe Yourself: First Time Parent
This is the third pump I've purchased and I'm finally a satisfied customer. So quiet and extremely efficient..I was blown away. The only thing that I think could be different is the "let down" button that you push if you're having a let down...this is a double pump and it's difficult to press when both hands are occupied. That is the ONLY thing I would say is a con. I like the 2 phase suction which Medela got right..it works perfect. Buy this pump if you are looking for something that is more hospital grade than the traditional hand pump or single electric pump. AMAZING!
Posted by jaxattack at 3:26 PM 0 comments
My Review of Minerals by Baby Blanket 4oz Tube SPF 70+
Originally submitted at Diapers.com

Baby Blanket Minerals by Baby Blanket 4oz Tube SPF 70+
Minerals by Baby Blanket SPF 70+ 4oz Tube Titanium Dioxide and Zinc Oxide Formula
The Best Baby Sunscreen out there.
Pros: Not Greasy, Effective Protection, UVA/UVB Protection, Scent free, Rubs In Well, Sweatproof, Waterproof
Cons: None
Best Uses: Daily Use, Sports, Beach, Swimming
Describe Yourself: Budget Buyer
I like that it tells you to rub in until you can "barely" see white and then the white fades within a minute or so as it's absorbed by the skin...makes me feel like it's really going to work. It's not greasy or thick but still coats well. I love the high SPF and FPS protection for my little one. Best sunscreen I've found by far...plan to use it myself.
Posted by jaxattack at 3:18 PM 0 comments
Monday, May 10, 2010
Ok, so yes I'm late and probably losing your attention but bare with me since you all know my situation. New mom equals, um, well busy ALL the time.
My last weigh in I did was last Saturday and my weight was....drum roll please........
Digital Scale: 166.2 lbs
So, that means I only have roughly 14 lbs left to be at my pre-pregnancy weight..WHOA, YOWZA! The pre-pregnancy weight (152) is my current goal...if I hit that, I'm happy BUT my real goal is to be 130 AND I do plan to make that before I ever have another kiddo. I want to try and be in the best shape ever.
Things are really good for me right now. I have a ton of energy and I'm just enjoying my little sweety every bit that I can. I can't believe she's almost 5 months old, that just blows me away. I can't chat long because..like I said..I'm busy. I have sheets in the dryer, I need to start on dinner, Amelia will be waking from her nap soon, and I have a pile of laundry in my room and on my couch that need to be put away asap...I'm bad about getting laundry put away..I never seem to have time.
I'm also planning on a garage sale in early to mid June which is going to be huge. We have lots of stuff to get rid off...I'm freshening up this place.
Welp, I'll try my best to get on here more often so yeh....I'll be back. lol
Posted by jaxattack at 3:01 PM 0 comments
Sunday, March 21, 2010
Weigh in # 7
Whoo hooo!
Let's get right to the stats:
Digital scale: 174.6 lbs
Wii Scale: low on battery this morning and wasn't working. blah blah.
This is super exciting. I even slipped up..A LOT this week. I did buy some Breyer's Peach Ice Cream..which is yummy! Everyday is a new day, I think I finally have my mind right...FINALLY. I've tried a ton of exercises and foods to try and lose weight and this is the only thing that has ever worked for me. I am so happy to have finally found my cure for my belly, which I had even prior to having a baby by the way. If you want to see what my goal weight looks like on me, I'm going to post a picture of me and imagine me 10 lbs heavier than the picture. That would be my goal weight, 130 lbs. I still have over 40 to lose but I have lots of time.
I have been eating a lot of salads, mostly for dinner in order to keep dinner light. My salads typically consists of romaine, tomato, cucumber, mushrooms, onion, feta cheese, sunflower seeds and a balsalmic dressing. I've been eating turkey bacon and 2 scrambled eggs almost every morning and lunch is kind of all over the place. Sometimes it's a mixture of different foods that don't go together like, a grapefruit, cheese stick, nuts OR it might be a small pita bread pizza consisting of pizza sauce, pesto, spices, pepperoni & cheese. Very good! Tonight I made taco salad.
I haven't been doing much for exercise this week, it mostly consisted of carrying my daughter, doing housework..OH and sleeping...with an occasional walk here and there. Slacker? Yes. I just haven't had much time and when I do have time, I'd rather relax, read, watch a movie, OR yes, sleep. These days I enjoy treating myself to a home spa which in other words, is a warm shower followed by lotion and clean clothes....aaaaahhhhh, bliss.
I'm thinking about joining this decade and starting a vlog and jumping ship on this blog stuff. Not only will vlogging be a lot more fun for me AND you but, I can post them on youtube and get more followers...I need more input from other fellow weightlossees. LOL The decision will come soon and I will let my whole 4 followers know asap. If I do join the vlogging world, I will be dropping this blog all together and transferring my info to my new vlog. I'll keep you posted.
Spring is peaking around the corner and I'm so excited. I really have a lot of "Spring cleaning" to do and I can't wait to install our hardwood floors and get this place looking nizice. We did clean our garage last weekend..our to do list is slightly shorter now. YES!
I found a new blogger to follow and all his videos are pretty interesting. You can find him on youtube, he calls his channel "Underground Wellness".
Anyway, gotta get to my life now. Mwuah!
Posted by jaxattack at 6:11 PM 0 comments
Monday, March 15, 2010
This is amazing. I have never in my life lost weight like this. This low sugar and carb diet is working. I've become obsessed..well, almost obsessed with weighing myself ever since I realized that weight was falling off. So, I weighed myself this morning and I'm down another pound since yesterday. I always weigh myself first thing in the morning before I've eaten so that it stays accurate. I've lost a whole pound in one day, that is shocking to me. Anyway, I can't wait until this next weigh in...it's going to be big news. Ya know, when you start to lose weight like this because you've finally found something that works for you, it's really easy to stick to it. When you want results so badly and have wanted them for some time, when you finally see them, there's no turning back.
Posted by jaxattack at 12:59 PM 0 comments
Sunday, March 14, 2010
Weigh in # 6
YES!! Excellent results this week.
I started a new diet/life change type plan. I recently read this book by Jorge Cruise called "The Belly Fat Cure". Jorge basically says to cut down on your sugar intake and keep track of your carbs and you WILL lose weight. He uses S/C which is sugars/carbs and he says to eat no more than 15 grams of sugar and 6 servings of carbs each day. I have been staying pretty close to this the last 3 days and here are the stats from my weigh in that I did this morning:
Digital Scale: 176.4 lbs
Wii Scale: 178.5
BMI: 28.03
A side note: my digital scale also tells me my fat percentage which I have been far too embarrassed about to come out and say the actual fat content of my current body. BUT let's just say that since I started this blog, my fat percentage has dropped 6 %..whooo hoooo! That's kind of a big deal. In total I've lost a bit over 5 lbs, I am so excited. Oh by the way, when I was doing the low sugar and carbs for 3 days, I was not working out and I still lost the weight and more than what I was losing while working out. I do plan to continue working out but this was a bit of an experiment. ;) Jorge also promotes the use of sugar substitutes like Stevia and sugar alcohols which I'm not really sure about their actual safety yet. I have just been cutting my sugars instead of substituting to make things sweet. I'll have to do more research on this.
Welp, it's the end of my 30 day challenge, which needless to say, I did not follow. I did workout but I did not do that video every day for 30 days as I had originally planned. Your body needs rest and variety..which is something I've always known so I don't even know why I attempted it. Also, today is the official end to my 21 day habit challenge of reading for at least 30 minutes every day. I did do this challenge. I read everything from baby magazines, web articles, and books. Now I have to think of a new challenge. hmmmm...
I'm going to be doing housework here while my daughter sleeps because it's the end of the day and as usual, this place is a big sty.
Posted by jaxattack at 6:27 PM 0 comments
Weigh in # 5
Late again! I'm a busy woman.
My weigh in last week was not so good. I gained .6 lbs according to my digital scale. Here are the stats:
Digital Scale: 179.6 lbs
Wii Scale: messed something up, wrote the wrong thing down.
BMI: 28.37
I did eat some cake on my and my husband's anniversary which was that Saturday, I did my weigh in that Sunday...it must be the cake. LOL
Welp, to weigh in # 6 I go.
Posted by jaxattack at 6:23 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
Weigh In # 4
Okee dokke, artichokeeee. Delicious, OH SO GOOD for you, artichokeees.
I had a tid more weight loss this last Saturday. Here are the stats.
Digital Scale: 179 lbs
Wii Scale: 180.07 lbs
BMI: 28.37
I'm going to bed.
Posted by jaxattack at 7:49 PM 0 comments
Weigh In # 3
yeh yeh, it's been a while..slacker. Get over it people, I'm kind of a busy person.
First I'd like to start off by saying that this blogging stuff is beginning to get boring. 4 followers? Come on people, where you at?
Now since it took me two weeks to post, weigh in # 3 is from Feb 20th and I will have another post for weigh in # 4.
Digital Scale: 180 lbs
Wii Scale: 181.08 lbs
BMI: 28.51
So we finally have improvement!! Not much, but we're headed in the right direction. It's been a struggle to stick with the "30 Day Shred" challenge simply because it got boring and I need to do something else every once in a while to work different muscle groups. I have also done the Jillian Michaels "Burn Fat, Boost Metabolism" video. That is a good one too. I like that it's 40 minutes long but is broken down into several sections, it's pretty tough though. I've also been warming up for 10 min on my elliptical and then doing a video plus lots of stretching. I'm not going to lie, I've been slacking. I'm so busy with my daughter during the day that when I put her to bed at night, the only thing I want to do is eat, relax and then go to sleep. It's hard to tell myself that I need to workout when I'm so tired, even though working out will indeed give me the energy boost I need. Either way you go, it's a snowball effect. Don't work out and then you don't have energy so then you continue to not work out or work out, get energy and feel like working out more often. Hmmm. I need to get on it. My eating has been very good with the exception of my oreo binge I went on last week..'twas only one container of oreos, but it was bad news. It took a whole 3 days to clean it out. LOL It's so hard to resist when they're in the pantry and I've got ice cold milk in the fridge..mmm mmm. That's a slap on the hand, no more oreos!! I have forgiven myself and I'm continuing to move forward. I've been eating enormous salads to include things such as tons of baby romaine lettuce, tomatoes, cucumbers, mushrooms, feta cheese and either italian dressing or Newsman's Own raspberry dressing. So yummy!
I have yet to make coconut ghee, simply because I didn't have a good storage container for it..BUT NOW I DO. I should be making it sometime before the end of next week. Excited.
I heard from another blogger that there is no try and there is no fail. See saying that you'll "TRY" to lose weight is kind of implying an assumption of failure. AND saying you "FAILED" at losing weight isn't true either because whether your goal was reached or not, you had a learning experience in which you will (or at least should) grow from. This blogger also made an excellent point that who really cares if you ate an entire chocolate cake yesterday, today is a new day. You know what you've done wrong in the past, well do something right today..even if it's only one thing. Don't ever give up on your goals. I'd have to say that this blogger has some good points here.
I watched the movie "Fat Head" last week and though my husband is pretty much avoiding any grains because of it, I think a large portion of that movie is hog wash. Of course, that's my opinion..it could very well be based off of facts OR maybe not, but I don't think that eating saturated fats could possibly be healthy..they are SATURATED after all. Meaning solid at room temperature, how could the stuff NOT be clogging arteries or showing up in your love handles..no way is that stuff "good for you". I've heard that if you were to open up your "tire" aka, fat roll across your abdomen, and take a look at the fat under neath, the composition would be that of pig fat or cow fat...whatever it is that you've eaten during your life time. So, people's bodies do store saturated fats and not in a good way. This is a topic that needs much more research on my part because here I am, probably starting fires with my followers who know more about it then me. Of course. Welp, I suppose I'll drop the subject BUT my point is that movie is full of it.
Posted by jaxattack at 7:26 PM 0 comments
Friday, February 19, 2010
21 Days
Ya know, it takes 21 days to form a habit and the same to break one. So, anything that I want to become a habit in my life I have to do for 21 days straight. After reaching the 21st day, I am more likely to continue doing whatever it is that I want to do. So I will have 21 day challenges. My first 21 day habit challenge will be to read for 30 minutes every day..it can be more..but at least 30 minutes. I plan to start this 21 day challenge on Monday, I need some time to prepare a chart to keep track of this challenge.
I have a new favorite snack. This is my recipe:
small can of Starkist solid light tuna fillet in water, drained
about 1/2 TB of organic mayonaise or you could use olive oil
about 1 tsp of lemon juice
2 sprigs of fresh thyme
dash of salt and pepper
Mix together and eat with Club low fat crackers...about 10. Awesome snack!!
I've also been eating lots of yogurt. One brand that I've recently discovered is Walaby Yogurt. Very rich and creamy as if to be high in fat..BUT, it's not. YUM!
I also have weigh in #3 tomorrow and I'm kind of nervous. With as much as I wanted to do the "30 Day Shred" every day, it just isn't possible. Not only did my muscles have fatigue but they were also getting bored of the same moves. I've substituted with my elliptical and some other non-video related exercises. I will be doing Jillian Micheal's "Banish Fat, Boost Metabolism" video tonight. It'll be my first time..so wish me luck. Mwuah!
Posted by jaxattack at 4:41 PM 0 comments
Thursday, February 18, 2010
Time flies. I wish things could slow down. I want to freeze frame certain portions of my life (or all of my current life) so that I can enjoy them as everlasting moments. Amelia is getting so big and sometimes when I stare at her beautiful face, fear comes over me. I don't want her to get big..I just want her to stay little, laying in my lap, sleeping peacefully for as long as possible. Why is life so quick to pass? Why have I, in this short life, been so willing to allow the days to cycle through as if I'm going to live forever? With as much as I would love to live life without an ending, I've come to realize that in my belief of life, I only live once..time is so very precious. I have to take each day and grab it with all I've got..enjoying every moment because they do pass so quickly. I want to feel life instead of just living it. I have so much I want to accomplish but those dreams just sit on a high, yet reachable shelf..collecting dust. It's time for me to live!
To start, I've always wanted to, and will be the best mother and wife I can possibly be. That is high priority for me, though being happy myself, is just as important, those two very wonderful people in my life make me VERY happy. I owe them nothing less than a happy me. Other things that make me happy which will contribute to my very full, well lived life are things such as painting, writing, reading, learning... things like to play the guitar, piano & history..and to be ultimately good at all of these things...at least a little bit, if only to myself. I could be happy with that. I want to be debt free for most of my adult life, I want to travel, I want to start embracing my relationships with people. I want to be a better friend. AND as you most know by now, I want to live life healthy and strong. All of these things are goals and things I mean to work on..and I shall. This is the time.
Posted by jaxattack at 8:49 PM 0 comments
Monday, February 15, 2010
Weigh In # 2
Welp, there's good and bad news today. Good news is I didn't gain weight this last week, bad news is I didn't lose any either. HAHA I am the exact same weight and BMI that I was last week, exact same. I'm still glad. It's exciting to know that this week might be my big week where I start to see some weight loss. I know that if I keep at it, I'll get there eventually.
Update on my 30 day challenge: I did the "30 Day Shred" video 2 days in a row. I underestimated the pain I would feel from doing this video and my body felt like jello for 2 days after. I did skip the 3rd day, but I continued on yesterday and did the video again. It appears that this is the way it'll have to go down. I did not plan on this so now I should update the challenge. I WILL do this video during a 30 day period. So I did it 2 days in a row, skipped a day and then did it again which equals 4 days. So, 4 days down and 26 to go. I will take breaks as needed but I will continue on. During my "break" day, I still worked out. I was on my elliptical for a good, strong 15 minutes, then I did some stretching..much needed stretching. I feel good about this. I'm not at all disappointed in myself for not losing any weight because I know that if I press on, I will see results. I've also been eating very well. I slipped up a bit this weekend with an indulgence of ice-cream and an Imo's pizza, but all in moderation.
The ice-cream I had this weekend was the brand Sheer Bliss in pomegranate with dark chocolate chips. This is a must try ice-cream. It's the best store bought ice-cream I've ever had. A little pricey, about $4.99 for a pint but it's not something that I plan to make a habit of. It was a valentines day treat. :)
I'm ready for Spring! I am just shaking my leg at the excitement of it. I have goals to sort through my cluttered basement and have a garage sale this Spring/Summer. I also want to organize our garage because I park in it and can barely get out of the car. I'm thrilled about setting up a workout space in my basement once it's clean and organized. I'm going to be getting some boxing gear so that I can up my workouts with some muay thai. I'd also like to learn jiu jitsu.
Anyway, here are the stats..which are the same as last week.
Digital scale: 180.4 lbs
Wii scale: 182 lbs
BMI: 28.55
Oh and something exciting for me. I got my hair chopped off. It was pretty long, and now it's shoulder length, a tid shorter than that. I think it's cute and it looks really cute when it's curled. I'll post a picture soon.
Welp, gotta get to it. Mwuah!
Posted by jaxattack at 11:29 AM 0 comments
Thursday, February 11, 2010
30 day shred CHALLENGE # 1
YES!! I just finished Jillian Michael's "30 Day Shred" dvd on level 1. I am so pumped and feelin' good. This is the first time I've tried one of her dvd's and if you've watched "The Biggest Loser" on television, you know what to expect. She is tough.
So...here comes the challenge. I plan to do this video every day for 30 days as my first challenge, 10 days on level 1, 10 days on level 2 and then 10 days on level 3. I'm excited to see if I can do it and even more excited to see the results. I AM SO MOTIVATED RIGHT NOW! If any of you have the dvd and would like to participate, please comment. We can do this.
Other things I've been doing:
Well, off of the workout subject. A friend of mine who had been witnessing my husband and I attending to our daughter's cries, did not think that we should pick her up but rather let her cry it out. I had read before that it's actually better to NOT let them cry it out, especially at such a young age. I found a few good reads on the subject online. If you are at all interested, the links are below.
Anyway, I purchased some coconut milk and pineapple juice to make some yummy smoothies. I had one this morning that was pretty delicious called the Strawberry Colada. On a 1 to 10 scale, this smoothie gets a 6.
Serves 3-4
4 C. Strawberries..we used frozen.
1/2 C. Coconut Milk
2.5 C. Pineapple juice, chilled.
Very good and refreshing. Let me know if you decide to try it. I will be trying other recipes that are in my book "Smoothies & Juices: natural blends to delight and inspire" & sharing them with you.
Welp, to the shower I go...then a huge salad. YUM!
Posted by jaxattack at 2:00 PM 1 comments
Monday, February 8, 2010
Super Bowl Sunday = eat crappy
Alright, so I did not eat well on Super Bowl Sunday or today really, and I'm sure I'm not the only one. I think the Super Bowl is meant for snacking on chips and guacamole..right? I'm one of those Super Bowl party goers that kind of watches the game BUT really I'm just there for the goodies. LOL Today, I was extremely busy doing housework and taking care of my little one & didn't feel that I had time to really concentrate on my weight loss plan. I'm going to get back on my game tomorrow.
Here are some of my snack ideas that I'm using these days. Dried apricots, dark chocolate covered dried plums, Nature Valley's granola bars, home-made fruit & yogurt parfaits, steamed sweet potatoes, grapefruits (they're in season too), & Orville's tender white popcorn. MMM MMM! These are good snacks for movie watching or just for in-between meals.
How do I make my parfaits? Welp, I start off with a layer of fruit in the bottom of a bowl. Typically, blueberries and 1/2 a banana. Then I top that with some non-fat plain yogurt. On top of that I crunch up one of the bars in a Nature Valley granola package (any flavor) and then put a tid of honey and cinnamon on top. Delicious! If you decide to try it, let me know what you think.
I've also been following some health gurus on youtube.com, here are the channels if you're interested:
I'm always looking for good youtube channels so I'll be sure to keep you guys posted as I find good ones. :)
Welp, Gotta get on my game...mwuah!
Posted by jaxattack at 7:57 PM 0 comments
Saturday, February 6, 2010
Weigh In # 1
Digital Scale: 180.4 lbs
Wii Scale: 182 lbs
BMI: 28.55...............EWWW!
In order be in a healthy BMI range I should at least have a BMI of 22, I have a ways to go. I don't have much to post today other than I am about to workout. I'll probably start with the elliptical then do some pilates. I found some yummy recipes last night so I'm excited to go grocery shopping today. Check out what I plan to make this next week:
Chickpea Tagine
Shrimp & Avocado Rice Bowl
Welp, I better get to it. Mwuah!
Posted by jaxattack at 7:01 AM 0 comments
Friday, February 5, 2010
What I've been doing this week.
This week has been fairly successful, I'm not a bit disappointed with myself. I have been sub-par in my "1 hour hard-core" workouts but my diet has improved a ton. I have had a few junky things which I think is perfectly healthy as long as it's not something I do all the time..just here and there. I've been eating eggs on an english muffin or a fruit smoothie for breakfast. I've been eating baby carrots, plain almonds and cheese sticks as my in between meal snacks. I have only had two sweet things this week. A small bowl of ice-cream and a piece of red velvet cake. Very yummy, but I was able to control myself both times. :) I'd say things are going very well. Today, I started looking up healthy recipes, that are packed full of nutrition but low on fat. You all should check out www.fitnessmagazine.com I'm also currently working on downloading the workout playlist that fitnessmagazine.com has on their site. I have been working out to lil wayne, Adele, and Tegan & Sara this week, I need some new stuff.
I have been using two workout dvd's this week. One is called "the Abs Diet for Women workout" done by fitness trainer, Jessica Smith. I WOULD indeed recommend this. It contains everything from Pilates to cardio, but all to tone your midsection. I've also been doing the "pilatesforlife Workout Collection" with Amy Brown. Now, this really made me sore. It's a 4 disc set to include, pilates for flexibility, pilates on the ball, 20 min. overall body workout & abs and waist. NICE! Yes, it is. I'm not too excited about Amy Brown, she kind of annoys me but the workouts are good. I've also been using my elliptical when I feel I need a good warm up or if I just want to get a good workout. While I was browsing www.fitnessmagazine.com, I ran across a routine that would help burn 400 calories either using a treadmill, bike or elliptical. Since I have an elliptical, I will now be attempting this specific workout.
15-18 min @ moderate level (level 6-9) RPE 5-7
18-20 min @ increased level (level 7-9) RPE 7-9
20-25 min REPEAT & gradually slowing for last 30 seconds. RPE 5
Sounds pretty tough really. I'm not all that excited about it but 400 calories? Uh, shyeh! Anyway, I realize some may think that I'm being too drastic for being 6 weeks postpartum but I'm a big girl. I can and will work at my own pace, not to push myself too hard and take it slow...that is indeed why this blog is called "Losing weight the hard way".
My first official weigh in will be tomorrow morning. I plan to do all weigh ins on Saturdays so keep your eyes open. It's only going to get better from here. Mwuah!
Posted by jaxattack at 2:09 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
AND it begins..
okee dokee pokee. I am officially 6 weeks postpartum and ready and able to begin the journey of weight loss. Now, as you can see by the title of my blog, "Losing weight the hard way", this will be no picnic. I have accepted the fact that this may take longer than I would like and all is fine, as long as the goal is reached. What is my goal you ask..well let me tell you. I am bearing all here..my weight, what I eat, my workouts, etc. so be kind to my sensitive self because trust me I am not proud of where I am today (in regards to my weight).
Pre-pregnancy weight: 152 lbs
Current weight: 182.2 lbs
Goal weight: 130 lbs
Now, with those ridiculous numbers laid out for all to see, I plan to do something about it. If anyone has any tips, website links, or anything..let me know. I am all ears..or should I say eyes. LOL
The plan is to cut out all empty calories..except for the occasional slice of pie of course (DUH!)...I'm not Gandhi...we're taking things slow here. I eat way too many sweet foods..I have a LARGE sweet tooth..one that calls out far too often and for far more than it can handle..so this is a challenge for sure. Along side the cut in empty calories, I will strive for working out 5 days a week for at least an hour. When I say an hour I mean a full hard-core, feet to the asphalt, muscles to the poundage, hard-core hour. Not my usual, here and there, long ass time, we'll call it a 3 hour workouts. Nut-Uh, girlfriend! This is the real deal here. I will be posting details about how I'm eating, what kind of things I'm doing to eat healthier, what kind of workouts I'm doing, etc. I will also have weekly weigh-ins which will include weighing myself on my digital scale and on the wii scale and posting both my weight and my BMI..eeek, kind of nervous about revealing all of that, but hey it's accountability we're after.
As I look at my writing above, I realize that I enjoy my ....'s far too much. This I shall improve, I promise.
Wish me luck!
Posted by jaxattack at 7:40 AM 5 comments
Saturday, January 30, 2010
Using Coconut Oil without the strong island flavor:
Ok, so my mother-in-law sent me a link to a very popular health and fitness blog, & as I was taking more and more interest in what the blogger had to say, I stumbled across something that sounds pretty awesome...Coconut Ghee. When cooking with the 'oh so healthy' coconut oil, your dish will have a rather coconutty flavor..& that's okay if that's what you're going for BUT I like my asparagus to taste like asparagus. SO, this blogger has the solution.
Ghee by itself is unsalted butter minus the carbohydrates (lactose) & the protein (casein). You can buy the stuff but according to this blogger, it's very expensive so he suggests making it yourself. Once you make the Ghee, you mix it with coconut oil and viola! You've got Coconut Ghee which doesn't have the strong taste of coconut but still all of the healthy packed goodness of it. I have placed the link at the bottom of this post so you can see for yourself step by step how to make this stuff. Sounds very healthy and pretty amazing, I intend to make some. I'll keep you all posted on what I think about it. :)
Posted by jaxattack at 8:59 AM 0 comments
Friday, January 29, 2010
Before it all begins...
i'd like to start off by saying that I am not a writer. I have terrible grammar and punctuating skills, so please, forgive me.
This blog is meant to be a means to all sorts of things in my life..from improving my writing abilities to everything else I need to be held accountable for. Writing this blog will do just that, hold me accountable..if I have followers that is. I know that now that I've begun to type here on this screen, I can't stop..I'd let us both down.
So, now for me to lay out the obvious main objective here which is the goal to lose weight. By "goal", I mean-I have to do it or you guys can point and laugh at me- & who the hell wants that? Aside from me blogging about my trials and tribulations of weight loss, I intend to discuss other matters which may or may not interest you. I will do my best to separate the topics as to not waste your precious time with non-sense that you don't give a damn about. Oh, and I hope I will manage to squeeze a giggle or a laugh out of you from time to time...because, I do indeed consider myself to be hilarious..so LOL all the way. HAHA
Posted by jaxattack at 10:52 AM 4 comments